Our container lock offers protection for valuable transport goods © ABUS

Container security Transport and cargo

Cargo unloaded, container secured? With our container lock ConHasp Granit, access to your valuable transport goods to India, the USA or overseas in general is protected.

Freight forwarders and their clients are struggling with increasing numbers of break-ins and burglaries in containers, trucks and on company premises.

Therefore, secure your cargo! Our container lock ConHasp Granit is particularly secure, fits common transport and storage containers, is corrosion-protected and made of an extremely resistant steel. It is also suitable for sliding doors, barn doors or truck wing doors. The plus: Insurance companies recognize the ConHasp.

Security level
Keyed Alike
Assembly instruction ConHasp Granit™
Field report by Romain Bruneau, manager of a rental service agency for containers

One of the most important cargo ports in Europe is located on the French Mediterranean coast. Near the salt water, locks are particularly susceptible to rust, so the demands on materials and quality are very high. We visit Romain Bruneau, head of a rental service agency for containers of all kinds in the south of France in Marseille. To ensure that his customers can be sure that no unwanted copies of keys get into circulation, he relies on Granit.

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